Friday, August 28, 2009

Dan Kennedy and Affluent Marketing

In Dan's latest newsletter, NO B.S. Marketing to the Affluent, he outlines the problems of someone selling to the super rich. This person sells a product the rich don't want anyone to know they own.What used to be a symbol that said 'you've made it', now says 'You're living a life of excess'.

He notes the trend in Hermes stores of customers who want their purchases put in unmarked bags. They used to get one request per month for the unmarked shopping bag, and now get 2 requests per day.

It's the climate of fear that has enveloped the rich. They're being demonized and punished for their accomplishments.

The good news is that high net worth buyers are still spending. As a marketer, you will simply have to dig deeper to find these clients....and appeal to them with a message that says, "You have earned this and don't let anybody tell you otherwise".

Always good advice from Dan.

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